Tag Archive for: H2020

Call for participation in our projects!
La Palma Research Centre is a partner in many EU-focused projects.…

UNEXMIN Final Conference, Brussels
It was on the 26th of September 2019 that the UNEXMIN project…

CHPM2030 project closure
CHPM2030 Final meeting
The CHPM2030 project partners met in…

UNEXMIN Consortium meeting, Budapest
LPRC member Luís Lopes recently participated in the UNEXMIN…

RoboMiners Kick-off meeting, Madrid
The 13th and 14th of June the Politechnical University of Madrid…

UNEXMIN presented at AIMS 2019, Aachen
On the 13th and 14th of June, during the AIMS – Aachen International…

CHPM2030 final conference, Delft
The CHPM2030 final conference took place last week, in Delft,…
Tag Archive for: H2020

Resilient Bio-Inspired Modular Robotic Miners for high grade/small scale deposits