Tag Archive for: UX-1

UNEXMIN GeoRobotics

LPRC at UNEXUP’s 2nd Progress Meeting

On Wednesday (03/02) the UNEXUP consortium held the Second Progress…

UNEXUP 1st Progress meeting, online

On Thursday and Friday (23 and 24 July) the UNEXUP consortium…
La Palma Research Centre

LPRC at PDAC 2020

LPRC member Luís Lopes was present at the most recent PDAC convention,…
Raw Materials Week

Raw Materials Week, Brussels

LPRC participated on this year Raw Materials Week, one of the…

Closing of the UNEXMIN Project

The UNEXMIN project, where LPRC leaded tasks on Dissemination,…

UNEXMIN Final Project Meeting, Brussels

LPRC participated at the final UNEXMIN Project Meeting, held…

UNEXMIN Final Conference, Brussels

It was on the 26th of September 2019 that the UNEXMIN project…
La Palma Research Centre

UNEXMIN Consortium meeting, Budapest

LPRC member Luís Lopes recently participated in the UNEXMIN…

UNEXMIN presented at AIMS 2019, Aachen

On the 13th and 14th of June, during the AIMS – Aachen International…

UNEXMIN presented at EGU 2019, Vienna

The UNEXMIN project was presented by LPRC's member Luís Lopes…