LPRC active during the last MOBI-US project Workshop
The final event of the MOBI-US project was held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 20-21 September 2021. The MOBI-US Workshop 2 was dedicated to consortium partners and other leaders of the MSc programs involved in MOBI-US. A total of 17 participants had the opportunity to meet in person for the first time since the project’s kick-off meeting, in Budapest, Hungary. From La Palma Research Centre, Luís Lopes and Márcio Tameirão were present.
The first day started with welcome words by the Project Coordinator, followed by the MOBI-US achievements and promotional materials that have been produced to raise awareness on the project (developed by LPRC). Afterwards, the MSc program leaders were divided in groups in a Workshop-like exercise co-organised and co-mentored by LPRC. The goal was to foster the implementation of entrepreneurial & innovation skills in the offered education programs in MOBI-US.
The next block was dedicated to the improvement of project-based courses and curriculum fitness check of the mobility pathways, before the wrap-up of the first day of the event.
The second and final day of the Workshop started with an analysis made by the mentors on the submitted SWOT analyses and action plans from the Training event. During this ocasion, LPRC members made their mentoring comments on the received materials in order to support the development of joint cooperation. Finally, the consortium partners discussed about the potential future of MOBI-US.

The MOBI-US team