- About the project
The MINATURA2020 project developed a concept and methodology for the definition of “Mineral Deposits of Public Importance” (MDoPI) in order to ensure their best, sustainable use in the future. The MDoPI concept can be applied by the relevant land-use planning authorities at local, regional and national levels, throughtout European countries.
One of the biggest policy-making challenges in Europe today is the supply of sufficient natural resources for the benefit of society, achieved without unacceptable adverse social or environmental impacts. The Minatura2020 project positively contributed in providing Europe’s society with a policy framework – the Harmonised Mapping Framework – supporting the sustainable supply of those mineral raw materials that are extracted within the EU.
- Our role in the project
La Palma Research Centre had an important contribution to WP1 – Land-use assessment and WP2 – Development of Harmonised Mapping Framework. On WP1 by deploying a combination of foresight methods for strategic and policy analysis and on WP2 by collaborating in the definition of the Harmonised Mapping Framework. As part of Task 1.3 – Future Land-use Scenario Planning, LPRC organised a foresight workshop that focused on developing a log-frame to forecast future land-use for the case study countries of the project – Sweden, Portugal, Ireland, UK, Italy and Poland. As part of dissemination, besides raising awareness towards the project at a national and regional level, LPRC staff members also participated in the organization a Pan-European MINATURA event in Brussels, during the 2nd Raw Materials Week (6th to 10th November 2017).
- More information
For more information please download the most recent brochure of Minatura2020 or contact Project Managers Adrienn Cseko at adrienn.cseko_at_lapalmacentre.eu.