• Fact sheet

    Name: MICA – Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis
    Program: Horizon 2020
    Grant Agreement number: 689648
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  • About the project

    The Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA) project contributed to on-going efforts towards the establishment of such an infrastructure by projects such as ProMine, EURare, Minventory, EuroGeoSource, Minerals4EU, ProSum, I2Mine, INTRAW, MINATURA2020 and others. MICA brought together a multidisciplinary team of experts from natural and technical sciences, social sciences including political sciences, and information science and technology to ensure that raw material intelligence is collected, collated, stored and made accessible in the most useful way corresponding to stakeholder needs. Furthermore, the MICA project integrated a group of 15 European geological surveys that contributed to the work program as third parties.

  • Our role in the project

    LPRC was in charge for the task Strategic Raw Materials Intelligence Approaches in the Minerals Policy context (WP5), which was coordinated by MinPol. In this WP, anticipatory raw materials intelligence (RMI) was developed in a complex context of sectoral policies and regulations at national and EU-level, stakeholder needs, and practical data availability constraints. A stocktaking exercised on existing relevant scenarios and international planning documents have been undertaken. These scenarios have been mapped against the data and tools that were analysed in WP3 and WP4 in order to arrive at benchmarks for future foresight and planning processes. LPRC was responsible for the future foresight aspects of WP5, and the results have been summarised within the reports on Foresight Logframe, Pilot Foresight, and Raw materials Foresight Guide. WP5 went beyond what was attempted in the projects MINVENTORY, INTRAW, and MINATURA2020 and got European policy makers and stakeholders prepared for the global long-term challenges.

  • More information

    For more information please contact  Luis Lopes at Luis Lopes_at_lapalmacentre.eu.