• Fact sheet

    Name: INTRAW – International cooperation on Raw materials
    Program: Horizon 2020
    Grant Agreement number: 642130
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  • About the project

    The INTRAW project was formulated with the objective of mapping best practices and boosting cooperation opportunities on raw materials with technologically advanced non-EU countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa, & US) in response to similar global challenges. The ultimate result was the International Observatory for Raw Materials as a definitive raw materials knowledge management infrastructure. The Observatory, a permanent international body, aims to establish and maintain strong long-term relationships with the world’s key players in raw materials technology and scientific developments. Its core activities are to monitor cooperation opportunities and to promote these through funding schemes and incentives between the EU and technologically advanced countries and to provide foresight for the raw materials sector.

  • Our role in the project

    LPRC supported the implementation of all Work Packages, having a special role in Work Package 2 – Programming and Work Package 3 – Deployment. In Work Package 2 we developed cooperation strategies based on cross-cutting synergies from the best practices identified in the target countries on applied research and innovation, joint educational and skills programmes, trade aspects, exploration, exploitation, processing, recycling and substitution in the raw materials sector. Work Package 3 facilitated the deployment of cooperation schemes as outputs of Work Package 2 Action plans and Cross-cutting synergies for raw materials programming.

  • More information

    For more information please contact Luis Lopes at luislopes_at_lapalmacentre.eu.