Closing of INTRAW Project

After three years of work, building networks, and identifying collaboration opportunities, the INTRAW project came to an end on January 31. During the first part of the project, Work Package 1 produced a contextual analysis of the selected five technologically advanced raw materials countries – Canada, Japan, USA, South Africa, and Australia. In parallel three transactional reports on the key thematic areas ‘Research and Innovation’, ‘Education and Outreach’, and ‘Industry and Trade’ were developed. Work Package 2 started off with the development of a ‘Strategic plan to international knowledge-sharing’. Based on this document, four ‘Action Plans’ were written, outlining the objective of enhancing international cooperation in the four thematic areas, which are, as mentioned above ‘Research and Innovation’, ‘Education and Outreach’, and ‘Industry and Trade’ and in addition ‘Management, recycling, and substitution of critical raw materials’. The work in this work package was finalised with a roadmap on the implementation of the action plans and a report on the crosscutting synergies between the four action plans, which was developed by LPRC. This work examined interlinkages between actions with the aim of maximizing their effect, while minimizing the cost and it identified tangible cooperation opportunities with the reference countries based on a workshop with experts and representatives of these countries. A major outcome of the project is the planning for and the launch of the INTRAW International Raw Materials Observatory accomplished in Work Package 3. The project ended with a final meeting of the consortium on La Palma!

All the deliverables and other interesting related publications can be downloaded from the INTRAW Repository on

(Photo credit: Nelson Cristo)